Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated
Description (English)
Sea-cliffs composed of relatively soft, unconsolidated or uncompacted mineral particle deposits, carved by wind and wave action. They may support scrub similar to that on dunes (B1.6), with Hippophae rhamnoides, Salix repens, Sorbus aucuparia.
Source: EUNIS habitat classification
Quick facts
EUNIS habitat type | code B3.4 |
Vegetation types
Relation to vegetation types (syntaxa)
Name | Definition | Alternatives | Reftext |
Agropyro-Artemision coerulescentis Pignatti 1953 | Tyrrhenian-Adriatic (sub)halo-nitrophilous salt-sprayed grassy scrub of edges of coastal lagoons | Agropyro pycnanthi-Artemision coerulescentis Pignatti 1953 nom. mut. propos.; Elytrigio-Artemision coerulescentis Pignatti 1953 nom. mut. propos. | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Agrostio-Elytrigion athericae S. Brullo et Siracusa 2000 | Halo-nitrophilous grasslands of salt-sprayed coastal sandy-loamy shores of Mediterranean | Schaminee et al, 2012 | |
Brassicion oleraceae Rivas-Mart., Fernández-González et Loidi 1999 | Nitrophilpous aerohaline swards on edges of steep coastal cliffs of ibero-cantabrian and franco-britannan distribution | Schaminee et al, 2012 | |
Crithmo-Armerion maritimae Géhu 1968 | Subaerohaline coastal grasslands on inland edges of salt-sprayed rocky cliffs of Atlantic coasts of Iberian Peninsula and Framce | Crithmo-Armerion maritimae Géhu 1975; Crithmo-Armerion maritimae Géhu 1984; Sileno-Festucion pruinosae Géhu 2004; Cochleario officinalis-Armerion maritimae Géhu 1984; Sileno-Festucion pruinosae (Géhu 1984) Géhu et Bioret 2000 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Agropyrion pungentis J.-M. Géhu et J. Géhu 1969 | Halo-nitrophilous grasslands of salt-sprayed sandy-loamy shores of thermo-atlantic Europe | Elytrigion pungentis J.-M. Géhu et J. Géhu 1969 nom. mut. propos.; Agropyrion pungentis Géhu 1968; Agropyrion pycnanthi Géhu 1968 corr. Herrera 1995; Elymion pycnanthi Géhu 1968 nom. mut. propos.; Elytrigion athericae Géhu 1968 nom. mut. propos.; Elytrigion pungentis Géhu 1968 nom. mut. propos.; Trifolion maritimi Chapman 1959; Agropyrion pycnanthi Géhu 1968 corr. Díaz González et Fernández Prieto 1994 | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Silenion maritimae Malloch 1971 | Subaerohaline coastal closed perennial swards on sea-cliff tops and ledges little splashed by salt-spray of Great Britain | Schaminee et al, 2012 |
Species mentioned in habitat description
Species scientific name | English common name | Species group |
Hippophae rhamnoides | Flowering Plants | |
Salix repens | Flowering Plants | |
Sorbus aucuparia | Flowering Plants |
Other classifications
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 200112 | 18.4 | Deposit sea-cliffs | same |
CORINE Land Cover | 3.3.2. | Bare rock | n/a |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | H85 | Maritime cliff and slope: coastal heathland | not defined |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | H84 | Maritime cliff and slope: coastal grassland | overlap |
Phase 1 habitat classification (UK) 1993 | H82 | Maritime cliff and slope: soft cliff | wider |
Biodiversity Action Plan Priority Habitats (UK) | 27 | Maritime cliff and slope | wider |
Classification | Code | Habitat type name | Relationship type |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200410 | B3.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200308 | B3.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 200202 | B3.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199910 | B3.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199811 | B3.5 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
EUNIS Habitat Classification 199712 | B7.4 | Soft sea-cliffs, often vegetated | same |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 199905 | 18.4 | Deposit sea-cliffs | same |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1997 | 18.4 | Deposit sea-cliffs | same |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1996 | 18.4 | same | |
Palaearctic Habitat Classification 1993 | 18.4 | same |