Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen (Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta) Deutschlands

Reference information

Title Rote Liste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen (Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta) Deutschlands
Alternative title German Red Data book of plants
Source Korneck, D., M. Schnittler & I. Vollmer
Editor BfN-Schriftenvertrieb im Landwirtschafts-verlag (Münster), Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde, Bonn-Bad Godesberg
Journal Title
Book Title
Journal Issue
Created 1998-01-01
Language German
Subject Conservation status

Species related to this reference

Recommended species name Name as used in text Species group Group scientific name
Salsola kali L. Fishes Pisces
Salsola kali subsp. ruthenica (Iljin) Soó Fishes Pisces
Asplenium adiantum-nigrum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium adulterinum Milde Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium ceterach L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium cuneifolium Viv. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium fissum Kit. ex Willd. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium fontanum (L.) Bernh. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium foreziense Legrand Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium obovatum subsp. lanceolatum (Fiori) P.Silva Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium ruta-muraria L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium scolopendrium L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium seelosii Leyb. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium trichomanes L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium viride Huds. Ferns Pteridophyta
Asplenium x alternifolium Wulfen Ferns Pteridophyta
Athyrium distentifolium Tausch ex Opiz Ferns Pteridophyta
Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth Ferns Pteridophyta
Azolla filiculoides Lam. Ferns Pteridophyta
Blechnum spicant (L.) Roth Ferns Pteridophyta
Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. Ferns Pteridophyta
Botrychium matricariifolium (Retz.) A.Braun ex W.D.J.Koch Ferns Pteridophyta
Botrychium multifidum (S.G.Gmel.) Rupr. Ferns Pteridophyta
Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. Ferns Pteridophyta
Cryptogramma crispa (L.) R.Br. ex Hook. Ferns Pteridophyta
Cystopteris dickieana (R. Sim) Hyl. Ferns Pteridophyta
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Ferns Pteridophyta
Cystopteris montana (Lam.) Desv. Ferns Pteridophyta
Cystopteris regia auct. plur. pro parte Ferns Pteridophyta
Cystopteris sudetica A.Braun & Milde Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris affinis (Lowe) Fraser-Jenk. Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H.P.Fuchs Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris cristata (L.) A.Gray Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) A.Gray Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris expansa (C.Presl) Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris oreades Fomin Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris remota (A.Braun ex Döll) Druce Ferns Pteridophyta
Dryopteris villarii auct., non (Bellardi) Woyn. ex Schinz & Thell. pro parte Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum arvense L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum fluviatile L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum hyemale L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum palustre L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum pratense Ehrh. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum sylvaticum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum telmateia Ehrh. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum x moorei Newman Ferns Pteridophyta
Equisetum x trachyodon A.Braun Ferns Pteridophyta
Gymnocarpium robertianum (Hoffm.) Newman Ferns Pteridophyta
Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. Ferns Pteridophyta
Hymenophyllum tunbrigense (L.) Sm. Ferns Pteridophyta
Isoetes echinospora Durieu Ferns Pteridophyta
Isoetes lacustris L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodiella inundata (L.) Holub Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium alpinum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium annotinum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium clavatum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium complanatum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium issleri (Rouy) Domin Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium tristachyum Pursh Ferns Pteridophyta
Lycopodium zeilleri (Rouy, 1913) Greuter & Burdet, 1980 Ferns Pteridophyta
Marsilea quadrifolia L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) Tod. Ferns Pteridophyta
Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Osmunda regalis L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Pilularia globulifera L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Polypodium interjectum Shivas Ferns Pteridophyta
Polypodium vulgare L. Ferns Pteridophyta
Polystichum aculeatum (L.) Roth Ferns Pteridophyta
Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée Ferns Pteridophyta
Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth Ferns Pteridophyta
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn Ferns Pteridophyta
Salvinia natans (L.) All. Ferns Pteridophyta
Selaginella helvetica (L.) Spring Ferns Pteridophyta
Selaginella selaginoides (L.) P.Beauv. ex Schrank & Mart. Ferns Pteridophyta
Thelypteris limbosperma (Bellardi ex All.) H.P.Fuchs Ferns Pteridophyta
Thelypteris palustris Schott Ferns Pteridophyta
Woodsia alpina (Bolton) Gray Ferns Pteridophyta
Woodsia ilvensis (L.) R.Br. Ferns Pteridophyta
Woodsia pulchella Bertol. Ferns Pteridophyta
Abies alba Brullo, Scelsi & Spampinato Conifers Gymnospermae
Juniperus communis L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Juniperus communis subsp. alpina (Suter) celak. Conifers Gymnospermae
Juniperus communis subsp. communis L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Juniperus sabina L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Larix decidua Mill. Conifers Gymnospermae
Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. Conifers Gymnospermae
Pinus cembra L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Pinus mugo Turra Conifers Gymnospermae
Pinus sylvestris L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Taxus baccata L. Conifers Gymnospermae
Acer campestre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acer monspessulanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acer opalus Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acer platanoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acer pseudoplatanus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aceras anthropophorum (L.) W.T.Aiton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea atrata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea collina Becker ex Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea macrophylla L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea millefolium auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea nobilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea pannonica Scheele Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea ptarmica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achillea setacea Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Achnatherum calamagrostis (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acinos arvensis (Lam.) Dandy Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aconitum napellus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aconitum napellus subsp. tauricum (Wulfen) Gàyer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aconitum paniculatum Lam., nom. illeg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aconitum variegatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aconitum vulparia Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Acorus calamus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Actaea spicata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adenophora lilifolia (L.) Ledeb. ex A.DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adonis aestivalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adonis flammea Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adonis vernalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Adoxa moschatellina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aegopodium podagraria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aethionema saxatile (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrimonia eupatoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrimonia procera Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostemma githago L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis agrostiflora Bech. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis alpina Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis canina Romero García, Blanca & R.Morales Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis capillaris Pollich, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis schleicheri Jord. & Verl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis stolonifera sensu Cout., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Agrostis vinealis Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aira caryophyllea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aira praecox L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ajuga chamaepitys (L.) Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ajuga genevensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ajuga pyramidalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ajuga reptans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla acutiloba Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla crinita Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla filicaulis Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla glomerulans Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla grossidens Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla impexa Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla incisa Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla micans Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla monticola Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla plicata Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla propinqua H.Lindb. ex Juz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla straminea Buser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla subglobosa G.C.Westerl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alchemilla xanthochlora Rothm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alisma gramineum Lej. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alisma lanceolatum With. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alisma plantago-aquatica sensu Trel., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb.) Cavara & Grande Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium angulosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium atropurpureum Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium carinatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum Bonnier & Layens Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium lineare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium oleraceum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium rotundum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium schoenoprasum (Pau) Rivas Mart., Fern.Gonz. & Sánchez Mata Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium scorodoprasum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium senescens subsp. montanum (F.W.Schmidt) Holub Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium sphaerocephalon L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium suaveolens Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium ursinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium victorialis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Allium vineale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alnus incana (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus bulbosus Gouan Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus geniculatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alopecurus rendlei Eig Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Althaea hirsuta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Althaea officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alyssum alyssoides (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alyssum montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alyssum montanum subsp. gmelinii (Jord.) Em.Schmid Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Alyssum saxatile auct. ital. pro parte, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Amaranthus blitoides S.Watson Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Amelanchier ovalis Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anagallis arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anagallis foemina Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anagallis minima (L.) E.H.L.Krause Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anagallis tenella (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anarrhinum bellidifolium (L.) Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anchusa officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Andromeda polifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace elongata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace hausmannii Leyb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace helvetica (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace lactea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace maxima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace obtusifolia All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Androsace septentrionalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anemone narcissiflora L., nom. illeg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anemone nemorosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anemone ranunculoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anemone sylvestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Angelica archangelica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Angelica sylvestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Antennaria carpatica (Wahlenb.) Bluff & Fingerh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthemis arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthemis cotula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthemis ruthenica M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthemis tinctoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthericum liliago L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthericum ramosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthoxanthum aristatum Boiss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthoxanthum odoratum H.Teppner Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthriscus caucalis M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthriscus nitida (Wahlenb.) Garcke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthyllis vulneraria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Anthyllis vulneraria subsp. maritima (Schweigg.) Corb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apera interrupta (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apera spica-venti (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aphanes arvensis auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apium graveolens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apium inundatum (L.) Rchb.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apium nodiflorum (L.) Lag. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Apium repens (Jacq.) Lag. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aposeris foetida (L.) Less. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aquilegia atrata W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aquilegia einseleana F.W.Schultz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aquilegia vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis auriculata Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis bellidifolia Jacq., non Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis caerulea (All.) Haenke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis collina Ten. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis glabra (L.) Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis pauciflora (Grimm) Garcke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis sagittata (Bertol.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arabis turrita L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arctium lappa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arctium nemorosum Lej. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arctium tomentosum Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arctostaphylos alpinus (L.) Spreng. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aremonia agrimonoides (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arenaria biflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arenaria leptoclados (Rchb.) Guss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aristolochia clematitis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Armeria arenaria (Pers.) Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Armeria maritima subsp. elongata (Hoffm.) Bonnier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Armeria maritima subsp. halleri (Wallr.) Rothm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Armeria maritima subsp. maritima auct. hisp. et lusit., non (Mill.) Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Armoracia rusticana P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arnica montana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arnoseris minima (L.) Schweigg. & Körte Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P.Beauv. ex J.Presl & C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia absinthium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia annua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia austriaca Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia campestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia laciniata Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia maritima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia pontica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia rupestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia umbelliformis Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Artemisia vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Arum maculatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asarina procumbens Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asarum europaeum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asclepias syriaca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asparagus officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperugo procumbens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperula arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperula cynanchica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperula neilreichii Beck Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperula taurina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Asperula tinctoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster alpinus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster amellus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster bellidiastrum (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster linosyris (L.) Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster novi-belgii L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Aster tripolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus alpinus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus arenarius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus australis (L.) Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus cicer L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus danicus Retz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus exscapus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus frigidus (L.) A.Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus glycyphyllos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astragalus penduliflorus Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Astrantia major L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Athamanta cretensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex calotheca (Rafn) Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondston Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex littoralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex longipes Drejer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex patula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex prostrata (Boucher) ex DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex rosea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atriplex tatarica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Atropa bella-donna L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Avena fatua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Avena strigosa Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Baldellia ranunculoides (L.) Parl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ballota nigra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Barbarea intermedia Boreau Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Barbarea stricta Andrz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Barbarea vulgaris R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bartsia alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bassia hirsuta (L.) Asch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bellis perennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Berberis vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Berula erecta (Huds.) Coville Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima (L.) Arcang. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Betonica officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Betula humilis Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Betula nana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Betula pendula Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Betula pubescens Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bidens cernua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bidens frondosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bidens radiata Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bidens tripartita L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bifora radians M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Biscutella laevigata auct. hisp. pro parte, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Biscutella laevigata subsp. kerneri Mach.-Laur. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Biscutella laevigata subsp. varia (Dumort.) Rouy & Foucaud Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Blackstonia acuminata (W.D.J.Koch & Ziz) Domin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Blackstonia perfoliata (L.) Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Blysmus compressus (L.) Panz. ex Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Blysmus rufus (Huds.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Briza media L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus benekenii (Lange) Trimen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus commutatus auct. lusit., non Schrad. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus grossus Desf. ex DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus hordeaceus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus japonicus auct. lusit., non Thunb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus racemosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus ramosus Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus secalinus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus sterilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bromus tectorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bryonia alba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bryonia dioica Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bunias orientalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bunium bulbocastanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Buphthalmum salicifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum falcatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum gerardi All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum longifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum ranunculoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum rotundifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Bupleurum tenuissimum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Butomus umbellatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Buxus sempervirens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cakile maritima Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis canescens (Weber) Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Haller f.) Koeler Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis stricta (Timm) Koeler Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamagrostis varia (Schrad.) Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calamintha menthifolia auct., non Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calla palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche brutia Petagna Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche cophocarpa Sendtn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche hamulata Kütz. ex W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche hermaphroditica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche obtusangula Le Gall Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche platycarpa Kütz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Callitriche stagnalis Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Caltha palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calycocorsus stipitatus (Jacq.) Rauschert Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Camelina alyssum (Mill.) Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula barbata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula baumgartenii Becker Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula bononiensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula cervicaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula cochlearifolia Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula glomerata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula latifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula patula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula persicifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula rapunculoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula rapunculus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula rhomboidalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula rotundifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula scheuchzeri Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula sibirica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula thyrsoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Campanula trachelium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine amara L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine dentata Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine flexuosa With. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine hirsuta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine impatiens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine parviflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine resedifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardamine trifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardaminopsis halleri (L.) Hayek Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardaminopsis petraea (L.) Hiitonen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cardaria draba (L.) Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carduus acanthoides auct. hisp., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carduus defloratus auct. gall., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carduus nutans auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carduus personata (L.) Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex acuta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex acutiformis Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex alba Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex appropinquata A.Schumach. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex aquatilis Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex arenaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex atherodes Spreng. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex atrata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex baldensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex binervis Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex bohemica Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex brachystachys Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex brizoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex buekii Wimm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex canescens auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex capillaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex capitata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex caryophyllea Latourr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex cespitosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex chordorrhiza sensu Willk., non L.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex davalliana Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex depauperata Curtis ex With. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex diandra Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex digitata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex dioica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex distans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex disticha Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex echinata Murray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex elata All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex elongata sensu Willk., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ericetorum Pollich Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex extensa Gooden. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ferruginea Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex firma Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex flacca Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex flava L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex fuliginosa Schkuhr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex hallerana Asso Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex hartmanii Cajander Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex heleonastes L.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex hirta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex hordeistichos Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex hostiana DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex humilis Leyss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex laevigata Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ligerica J.Gay Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex limosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex magellanica subsp. irrigua (Wahlenb.) Hiitonen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex melanostachya M.Bieb. ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex michelii Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex microglochin Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex montana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex mucronata All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex nigra All., non (L.) Reichard Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ornithopoda Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ornithopodioides Hausm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex otrubae Podp. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex ovalis Gooden. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pallescens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex panicea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex paniculata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex parviflora Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pauciflora Lightf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pendula Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pilosa Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pilulifera L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex praecox Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pseudobrizoides Clavaud Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pseudocyperus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex pulicaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex punctata Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex remota L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex riparia Curtis Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex rostrata Stokes Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex rupestris All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex secalina Willd. ex Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex sempervirens Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex spicata Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex strigosa Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex supina Willd. ex Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex sylvatica Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex tomentosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex trinervis Degl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex umbrosa Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex vaginata Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex vesicaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex viridula subsp. oedocarpa (Anderss.) B. Schmid Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carex vulpina auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carlina acaulis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carlina biebersteinii Bernh. ex Hornem. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carlina vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carpesium cernuum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carpinus betulus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carum carvi L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Carum verticillatum (L.) W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Castanea sativa Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Catabrosa aquatica (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Caucalis platycarpos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea calcitrapa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea cyanus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea diffusa Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea jacea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea montana sensu Wahlenb., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea phrygia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea pseudophrygia C.A.Mey. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea scabiosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea stenolepis A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurea stoebe L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurium erythraea Rafn Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurium littorale (Turner) Gilmour Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cephalanthera longifolia (L.) Fritsch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cephalanthera rubra (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium alpinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium arvense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium brachypetalum Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium cerastoides (L.) Britton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium diffusum Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium fontanum Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium glutinosum Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium pumilum Curtis Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium semidecandrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerastium uniflorum Clairv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ceratocapnos claviculata (L.) Lidén Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ceratophyllum demersum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ceratophyllum submersum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerinthe glabra Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cerinthe minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chaenorhinum minus (L.) Lange Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chaerophyllum aromaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chaerophyllum aureum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chaerophyllum bulbosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chaerophyllum hirsutum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chamaecytisus ratisbonensis (Schaeff.) Rothm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chamaespartium sagittale (L.) P.E.Gibbs Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chamorchis alpina (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chelidonium majus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium bonus-henricus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium botrys L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium ficifolium Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium glaucum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium hybridum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium murale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium opulifolium Schrad. ex W.D.J.Koch & Ziz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium polyspermum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium rubrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium strictum Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium urbicum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chenopodium vulvaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chimaphila umbellata (L.) W.P.C.Barton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chondrilla chondrilloides (Ard.) H.Karst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chondrilla juncea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chrysanthemum segetum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cicendia filiformis (L.) Delarbre Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cicerbita plumieri (L.) Kirschl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cichorium intybus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cicuta virosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Circaea alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Circaea lutetiana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Circaea x intermedia Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium acaule Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium canum (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium dissectum (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium eriophorum (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium oleraceum (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium rivulare (Jacq.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium spinosissimum (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cirsium tuberosum (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cladium mariscus (L.) Pohl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Clematis alpina (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Clematis recta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Clematis vitalba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Clinopodium vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cnidium dubium (Schkuhr) Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cochlearia anglica (L.) Asch. & Graebn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cochlearia danica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cochlearia officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cochlearia pyrenaica DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Colchicum autumnale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coleanthus subtilis (Tratt.) Seidl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Colutea arborescens auct. hisp. pro parte Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Conium maculatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Conopodium majus (Gouan) Loret Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Conringia orientalis (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Consolida regalis Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Convallaria majalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Convolvulus arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corispermum leptopterum (Asch.) Iljin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cornus mas L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cornus sanguinea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cornus sericea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cornus suecica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coronilla coronata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coronilla emerus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coronilla vaginalis Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coronilla varia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Coronopus squamatus (Forssk.) Asch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corrigiola litoralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cortusa matthioli L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. & Körte Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corydalis intermedia (L.) Mérat Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corydalis pumila (Host) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corylus avellana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Corynephorus canescens (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cotinus coggygria Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cotoneaster integerrimus Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cotoneaster tomentosus Lindl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cotula coronopifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crambe maritima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crassula aquatica (L.) Schönland Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crassula tillaea Lest.-Garl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crataegus monogyna auct., non Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis alpestris (Jacq.) Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis biennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis bocconi P.D.Sell Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis conyzifolia (Gouan) A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis foetida L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis mollis (Jacq.) Asch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis praemorsa (L.) Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis pulchra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis pyrenaica (L.) Greuter Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis setosa Haller f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis tectorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crepis terglouensis (Hacq.) A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crocus vernus Ucria, non (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Crocus vernus subsp. vernus Ucria, non (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cruciata laevipes Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cucubalus baccifer L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cuscuta epilinum Weihe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cuscuta epithymum (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cuscuta europaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cuscuta gronovii Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyclamen purpurascens Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cynoglossum germanicum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cynoglossum officinale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cynosurus cristatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyperus esculentus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyperus flavescens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyperus fuscus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyperus longus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cyperus michelianus (L.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cypripedium calceolus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Cytisus striatus (Hill) Rothm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylis glomerata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylis glomerata subsp. aschersoniana (Graebn.) Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza cruenta (O.F.Müll.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.) P.F.Hunt & Summerh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza praetermissa (Druce) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza russowii (Klinge) Holub Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza sambucina (L.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza sphagnicola (Hoppner) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza traunsteineri (Saut.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza traunsteineri subsp. lapponica (Laest. ex Hartm.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dactylorhiza traunsteineri subsp. traunsteineri (Saut.) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Danthonia alpina Vest Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Danthonia decumbens (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Daphne cneorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Daphne laureola L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Daphne mezereum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Daphne striata Tratt. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Datura stramonium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Daucus carota L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dentaria bulbifera L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Deschampsia littoralis (Gaudin) Reut. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Deschampsia media (Lag.) Ehr.Bayer & G.López Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Deschampsia setacea (Huds.) Hack. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus arenarius subsp. borussicus Vierh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus armeria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus carthusianorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus deltoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus gratianopolitanus Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus superbus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dianthus sylvestris Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dictamnus albus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Digitalis grandiflora Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Digitalis lutea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Digitalis purpurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Digitaria ischaemum (Schreb.) Muhl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Diplotaxis viminea (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dipsacus laciniatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dipsacus pilosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dittrichia graveolens (L.) Greuter Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Doronicum austriacum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Doronicum columnae Ten. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Doronicum glaciale (Wulfen) Nyman Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Doronicum grandiflorum Rivas Mart., T. E. Díaz, Fern. Prieto, Loidi & Penas Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Doronicum pardalianches L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dorycnium herbaceum Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Draba aizoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Draba fladnizensis Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Draba muralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Draba nemorosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Draba siliquosa M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dracocephalum ruyschiana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Drosera intermedia Hayne Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Drosera longifolia auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Drosera rotundifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Dryas octopetala L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Echinops bannaticus Rochel ex Schrad. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Echinops sphaerocephalus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Echium vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elatine alsinastrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elatine hexandra (Lapierre) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elatine hydropiper L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elatine triandra Schkuhr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis acicularis (L.) Roem. & Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis austriaca Hayek Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis mamillata H.Lindb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis multicaulis (Sm.) Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis ovata (Roth) Roem. & Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis parvula (Roem. & Schult.) Link ex Bluff, Nees & Schauer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis quinqueflora (Hartmann) O.Schwarz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eleocharis uniglumis (Link) Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elodea canadensis Michx. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elodea nuttallii (Planch.) H.St.John Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elymus caninus (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Elyna myosuroides (Vill.) Fritsch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Empetrum nigrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium alsinifolium Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium angustifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium ciliatum Raf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium collinum C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium dodonaei Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium fleischeri Hochst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium hirsutum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium lanceolatum Sebast. & Mauri Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium nutans F.W.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium obscurum Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium palustre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium parviflorum Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium roseum Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium tetragonum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epilobium tetragonum subsp. lamyi (F.W.Schultz) Nyman Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epimedium alpinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis atrorubens (Hoffm.) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis confusa D.P.Young Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis leptochila (Godfery) Godfery Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis microphylla (Ehrh.) Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis muelleri Godfery Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipactis purpurata Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Epipogium aphyllum Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eragrostis cilianensis (All.) F.T.Hubb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erica cinerea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erica tetralix L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erigeron alpinus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erigeron atticus Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erigeron gaudinii Brügger Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erigeron uniflorus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eriophorum gracile W.D.J.Koch ex Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eriophorum vaginatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erophila verna (L.) Chevall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erucastrum gallicum (Willd.) O.E.Schulz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erucastrum nasturtiifolium (Poir.) O.E.Schulz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eryngium campestre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eryngium maritimum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eryngium planum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erysimum cheiri (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erysimum odoratum Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erysimum repandum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Erysimum virgatum Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euonymus europaeus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euonymus latifolius (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Eupatorium cannabinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia cyparissias L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia dulcis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia esula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia exigua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia falcata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia helioscopia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia lucida Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia peplus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia platyphyllos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia polychroma A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia salicifolia Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia seguierana Neck. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia stricta L., nom. illegit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia verrucosa L. (1759), non L. (1753) Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia villosa Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphorbia virgata Waldst. & Kit., non Desf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia drosocalyx Freyn Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia frigida Pugsley Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia hirtella Jord. ex Reut. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia kerneri Wettst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia micrantha Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia minima auct. scand., non Jacq. ex DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia salisburgensis Funck Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia stricta J.P.Wolff ex J.F.Lehm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Euphrasia tricuspidata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fagus sylvatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fallopia convolvulus (L.) Á.Löve Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca airoides Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca altissima All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca amethystina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca duvalii (St.-Yves) Stohr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca gigantea (L.) Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca guestfalica Boenn. ex Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca heteropachys (St.-Yves) Patzke ex Auquier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca heterophylla Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca longifolia Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca nigrescens (St.-Yves) Patzke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca norica (Hack.) K.Richt. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca ovina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca pallens Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca patzkei Markgr.-Dann. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca polesica Zapalll. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca pratensis Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca pseudovina Hack. ex Wiesb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca puccinellii Parl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca pulchella Schrad. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca rubra (Hack.) Patzke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca rubra subsp. arenaria (Osbeck) Syme Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca rubra subsp. litoralis (G.Mey.) Auquier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca rupicola Heuff. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca trichophylla (St.-Yves) Landolt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Festuca valesiaca Schleich. ex Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago lutescens Jord. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago minima (Sm.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago neglecta (Soy.-Will.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago pyramidata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filago vulgaris Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Filipendula vulgaris Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fragaria moschata Duchesne Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fragaria vesca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fragaria viridis Duchesne Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Frangula alnus Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fraxinus excelsior L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fraxinus ornus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fritillaria meleagris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fumana procumbens (Dunal) Gren. & Godr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fumaria officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fumaria rostellata Knaf Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fumaria schleicheri Soy.-Will. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Fumaria vaillantii Loisel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gagea fistulosa (Ramond ex DC.) Ker Gawl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gagea lutea (L.) Ker Gawl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gagea minima Salisb., nom. superfl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galanthus nivalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galega officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis angustifolia Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis bifida Boenn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis ladanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis pubescens Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis segetum Neck. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galeopsis speciosa Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium album Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium aparine L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium aristatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium boreale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium glaucum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium lucidum All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium megalospermum All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium mollugo L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium palustre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium parisiense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium pumilum Murray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium rotundifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium saxatile L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium schultesii Vest Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium spurium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium sylvaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium tricornutum Dandy Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium truniacum (Ronniger) Ronniger Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium uliginosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium verum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Galium verum subsp. wirtgenii (F.W.Schultz) Oborný Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Genista anglica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Genista germanica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Genista pilosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Genista tinctoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana acaulis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana asclepiadea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana bavarica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana clusii E.P.Perrier & Songeon Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana cruciata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana lutea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana nivalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana orbicularis Schur Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana pannonica Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana pneumonanthe L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana punctata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana purpurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana utriculosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentiana verna L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella amarella (L.) Börner Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella bohemica Skalický Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella campestris (L.) Börner Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella ciliata (L.) Borkh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella germanica (Willd.) E.F.Warb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella lutescens (Velen.) Holub Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gentianella tenella (Rottb.) Börner Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium bohemicum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium dissectum Picard ex B.D. Jacks. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium divaricatum Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium lucidum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium macrorrhizum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium molle L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium palustre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium phaeum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium pratense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium purpureum Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium pusillum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium pyrenaicum Burm.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium robertianum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium rotundifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium sanguineum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium sibiricum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geranium sylvaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geum montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geum reptans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geum rivale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Geum urbanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gladiolus imbricatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gladiolus palustris Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rudolph Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glaucium flavum Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glaux maritima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glechoma hederacea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Globularia cordifolia auct. ross., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Globularia nudicaulis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Globularia punctata Lapeyr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria declinata Bréb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria fluitans (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria nemoralis (R.Uechtr.) R.Uechtr. & Körn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria notata Chevall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium hoppeanum W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium luteo-album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium norvegicum Gunnerus Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium supinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Goodyera repens (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gratiola officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Groenlandia densa (L.) Fourr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gymnadenia odoratissima (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gypsophila fastigiata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gypsophila muralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gypsophila paniculata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Gypsophila repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Halimione pedunculata (L.) Aellen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Halimione portulacoides (L.) Aellen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hammarbya paludosa (L.) Kuntze Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hedera helix L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hedysarum hedysaroides (L.) Schinz & Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helianthemum apenninum (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helianthemum canum (L.) Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helianthus tuberosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helichrysum arenarium (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helictotrichon parlatorei (J.Woods) Pilg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helictotrichon pratense (L.) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helictotrichon pubescens (Huds.) Pilg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Heliotropium europaeum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helleborus foetidus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helleborus niger L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Helleborus viridis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hemerocallis fulva (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hepatica nobilis Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Heracleum mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Heracleum sphondylium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Herminium monorchis (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Herniaria glabra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Herniaria hirsuta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hesperis matronalis sensu Halàcsy, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium alpinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium amplexicaule L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium aurantiacum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium bifidum Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium caesium (Fr.) Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium caespitosum Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium calodon Tausch ex Peter Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium chondrillifolium Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium cymosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium diaphanoides Lindeb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium echioides Lumn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium flagellare Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium glaciale A.Reyn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium glaucinum Jord. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium glaucum All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium hoppeanum Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium intybaceum All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium lactucella Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium macranthum (Ten.) Ten. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium maculatum Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium nigrescens Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium onosmoides Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium pilosella L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium piloselloides Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium pilosum Schleich. ex Froel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium prenanthoides Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium rohacsense Kit. ex Kanitz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium sabaudum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium saxifragum Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium schmidtii Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium scorzonerifolium Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium umbellatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium villosum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hieracium wiesbaurianum R.Uechtr. ex Baen. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hierochloe australis (Schrad.) Roem. & Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hierochloe hirta (Schrank) Borbàs Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hierochloe odorata (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Himantoglossum hircinum (L.) Spreng. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hippocrepis comosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hippophae rhamnoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hippuris vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Holcus mollis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Holosteum umbellatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Harz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hordeum jubatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hordeum marinum Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hordeum murinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hordeum secalinum Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Horminum pyrenaicum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hornungia petraea (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hottonia palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Humulus lupulus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hutchinsia alpina (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hyacinthoides non-scripta (L.) Chouard ex Rothm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hydrocotyle vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hymenolobus procumbens (L.) Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hyoscyamus niger L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum elegans Stephan ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum elodes L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum hirsutum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum humifusum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum maculatum Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum majus (A.Gray) Britton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum perforatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum pulchrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hypericum tetrapterum Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Hyssopus officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iberis amara L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ilex aquifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Illecebrum verticillatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Impatiens capensis Meerb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Impatiens glandulifera Royle Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Impatiens noli-tangere L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula britannica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula germanica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula helenium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula helvetica Weber Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula hirta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Inula salicina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris aphylla L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris germanica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris graminea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris pseudacorus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris sibirica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris spuria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris variegata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Iris versicolor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Isatis tinctoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Isolepis fluitans (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Isolepis setacea (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Jasione montana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Jovibarba arenaria (W.D.J.Koch) Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Jovibarba sobolifera (Sims) Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juglans regia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus alpinus Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus anceps Laharpe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus articulatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus atratus Lam., non Krock. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus balticus Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus bufonius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus bulbosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus capitatus Weigel Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus compressus Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus conglomeratus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus effusus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus filiformis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus gerardi Loisel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus inflexus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus jacquinii L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus maritimus Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus minutulus Albert & Jahand. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus pygmaeus Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus ranarius Songeon & E.P.Perrier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus sphaerocarpus Nees Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus squarrosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus stygius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus subnodulosus Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus tenageia L.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus trifidus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Juncus triglumis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Jurinea cyanoides (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Kernera saxatilis (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Kickxia elatine (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Kickxia spuria (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Knautia arvensis (L.) Coult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Knautia dipsacifolia Kreutzer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Knautia drymeia Heuff. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenb.) Mack. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Koeleria glauca (Schrad.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Koeleria pyramidata (Lam.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Koeleria vallesiana (Honck.) Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Laburnum anagyroides Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca perennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca quercina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca saligna L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca serriola L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca tatarica (L.) C.A.Mey. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca viminea (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lactuca virosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lamium album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lamium amplexicaule L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lamium purpureum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lappula deflexa (Wahlenb.) Garcke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Laser trilobum (L.) Borkh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Laserpitium latifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Laserpitium prutenicum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Laserpitium siler L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathraea squamaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus aphaca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus bauhinii P.A.Genty Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus heterophyllus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus hirsutus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus latifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus maritimus Bigelow Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus niger (L.) Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus nissolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus pannonicus subsp. collinus (J.Ortmann) Soó Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus sylvestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus tuberosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lavatera thuringiaca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ledum palustre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Legousia hybrida (L.) Delarbre Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Legousia speculum-veneris (L.) Chaix Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lembotropis nigricans (L.) Griseb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lemna gibba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lemna minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lemna trisulca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontodon autumnalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontodon hispidus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontodon incanus (L.) Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontodon montanus Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontodon saxatilis Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leontopodium alpinum Cass. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leonurus cardiaca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leonurus marrubiastrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lepidium campestre (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lepidium graminifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lepidium heterophyllum Benth. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lepidium latifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lepidium ruderale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucanthemella serotina (L.) Tzvelev Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heywood Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucanthemum adustum (W.D.J.Koch) Gremli Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucanthemum halleri (Suter) Ducommun Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucojum aestivum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leucojum vernum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Leymus arenarius (L.) Hochst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ligusticum mutellina (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ligusticum mutellinoides (Crantz) Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ligustrum vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lilium bulbiferum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lilium martagon L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Limodorum abortivum (L.) Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Limonium vulgare Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Limosella aquatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linaria alpina (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linaria arvensis (L.) Desf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linaria genistifolia subsp. genistifolia (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linaria repens (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lindernia procumbens (Krock.) Philcox Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linnaea borealis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum alpinum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum austriacum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum catharticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum flavum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum leonii F.W.Schultz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum perenne L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum tenuifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Linum viscosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Listera cordata (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Listera ovata (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lithospermum officinale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lithospermum purpurocaeruleum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Littorella uniflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lloydia serotina (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lobelia dortmanna L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lolium multiflorum Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lolium perenne L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lolium temulentum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera alpigena L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera caerulea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera caprifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera nigra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera periclymenum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lonicera xylosteum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Loranthus europaeus Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lotus alpinus (DC.) Schleich. ex Ramond Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lotus corniculatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lotus glaber Miller, 1768 Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lotus uliginosus Schkuhr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ludwigia palustris (L.) Elliott Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lunaria rediviva L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luronium natans (L.) Raf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula campestris (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula desvauxii Kunth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula forsteri (Sm.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula luzulina (Vill.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula multiflora (Retz.) Lej. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula nivea (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lychnis flos-cuculi L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lychnis viscaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lycopus europaeus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lycopus exaltatus L.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lysimachia nemorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lysimachia nummularia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lysimachia punctata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lysimachia thyrsiflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lysimachia vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lythrum hyssopifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Lythrum salicaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F.W.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malus sylvestris Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malva alcea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malva moschata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malva neglecta Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malva pusilla Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Malva sylvestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Marrubium peregrinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Marrubium vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Medicago falcata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Medicago lupulina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Medicago minima (L.) Bartal. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melampyrum arvense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melampyrum cristatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melampyrum nemorosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melampyrum pratense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melampyrum sylvaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melica ciliata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melica nutans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melica picta K. Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melica transsilvanica Schur Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melica uniflora Retz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melilotus alba Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melilotus altissima Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melilotus dentata (Waldst. & Kit.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Melittis melissophyllum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha aquatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha longifolia (L.) Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha pulegium Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha spicata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mentha suaveolens Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Menyanthes trifoliata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mercurialis annua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mercurialis ovata Sternb. & Hoppe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mercurialis perennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mespilus germanica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Meum athamanticum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mibora minima (L.) Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Micropyrum tenellum (L.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Milium effusum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mimulus guttatus DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mimulus moschatus Douglas ex Lindl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia austriaca (Jacq.) Hayek Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia cherlerioides (Hoppe) Bech. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia fastigiata (Sm.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia hybrida (Vill.) Schischk. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia rupestris (Scop.) Schinz & Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia setacea (Thuill.) Hayek Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia stricta (Sw.) Hiern Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia verna subsp. verna (L.) Hiern Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Minuartia viscosa (Schreb.) Schinz & Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Misopates orontium (L.) Raf. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Moehringia muscosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Moenchia erecta (L.) P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Molinia arundinacea Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Moneses uniflora (L.) A.Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Monotropa hypophegea Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Monotropa hypopitys L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Montia fontana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Montia fontana subsp. chondrosperma (Fenzl) Walters Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Muscari comosum (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Muscari racemosum (L.) Lam. & DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Muscari tenuiflorum Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myagrum perfoliatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis decumbens Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis discolor Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis laxa Lehm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis nemorosa Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis praecox Hülph. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis ramosissima Rochel Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis rehsteineri Wartm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis scorpioides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis sparsiflora J.G.Mikan ex Pohl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis stricta Link ex Roem. & Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosotis sylvatica Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myosurus minimus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myrica gale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myriophyllum heterophyllum Michx. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myriophyllum spicatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Myrrhis odorata (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Najas flexilis (Willd.) Rostk. & W.L.E.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Najas marina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Najas minor All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Narcissus poeticus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Narcissus radiiflorus Salisb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nardus stricta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Narthecium ossifragum (L.) Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nasturtium microphyllum (Boenn.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nasturtium officinale R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nepeta cataria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nepeta nuda L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Neslia paniculata auct. eur. merid. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nigella arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nigritella nigra (L.) Rchb.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nigritella nigra subsp. nigra (L.) Rchb.f. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nigritella nigra subsp. rubra (Wettst.) Beauverd Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nonea pulla (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nuphar lutea Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nuphar pumila (Timm) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nymphaea alba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nymphaea candida C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Nymphoides peltata (S.G.Gmel.) Kuntze Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Odontites litoralis Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Odontites lutea (L.) Clairv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Odontites vernus (Bellardi) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe aquatica (L.) Poir. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe conioides Lange Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe fistulosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe fluviatilis (Bab.) Coleman Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe lachenalii C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe peucedanifolia Pollich Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenanthe silaifolia M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oenothera biennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Omphalodes scorpioides (Haenke) Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Onobrychis arenaria (Kit.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Onobrychis montana DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ononis arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ononis natrix L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ononis repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ononis spinosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Onopordum acanthium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Onosma arenaria Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ophrys apifera Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ophrys holosericea Greuter Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ophrys insectifera L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ophrys sphegodes Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis coriophora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis mascula (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis militaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis morio L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis pallens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis purpurea Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis simia Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis spitzelii Saut. ex W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis tridentata Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orchis ustulata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oreochloa disticha (Wulfen) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Origanum vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orlaya grandiflora (L.) Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ornithogalum boucheanum Asch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ornithogalum nutans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ornithogalum pyrenaicum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ornithogalum umbellatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ornithopus perpusillus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche alba Stephan ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche alsatica Kirschl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche amethystea Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche arenaria Borkh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche artemisiae-campestris Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche caryophyllacea Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche coerulescens Stephan Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche flava Mart. ex F.W.Schultz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche gracilis Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche hederae Duby Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche lucorum A.Braun Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche lutea Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche minor Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche purpurea Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche ramosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche rapum-genistae Thuill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche reticulata Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orobanche salviae F.W.Schultz ex W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Orthilia secunda (L.) House Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oxalis acetosella L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Oxytropis pilosa (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Panicum miliaceum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver argemone L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver dubium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver dubium subsp. dubium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver dubium subsp. lecoqii (Lamotte) Syme Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver hybridum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Papaver rhoeas L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Parapholis strigosa (Dumort.) C.E.Hubb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Parietaria judaica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Parietaria officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Paris quadrifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Parnassia palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis foliosa auct. balcan., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis oederi Vahl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis recutita L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis sylvatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pedicularis verticillata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peplis portula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petasites albus (L.) Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petasites hybridus (L.) P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petasites paradoxus (Retz.) Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petasites spurius (Retz.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petrocallis pyrenaica (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petrorhagia prolifera (L.) P.W.Ball & Heywood Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Petrorhagia saxifraga (L.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum alsaticum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum carvifolia Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum cervaria (L.) Lapeyr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum officinale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum oreoselinum (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum ostruthium (L.) W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Peucedanum palustre (L.) Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phalaris arundinacea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum alpinum (Humphries) Rauschert Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum arenarium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum hirsutum Honck. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum paniculatum Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum phleoides (L.) H.Karst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phleum pratense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Physalis alkekengi L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma betonicifolium Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma hemisphaericum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma nigrum F.W.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma orbiculare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma ovatum Honck. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Phyteuma spicatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Picris hieracioides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pimpinella major (L.) Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pimpinella saxifraga L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pinguicula alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pinguicula vulgaris auct. balcan., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago arenaria Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago atrata Hoppe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago coronopus Bolle Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago lanceolata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago major L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago major subsp. intermedia (DC.) Arcang. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago maritima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago media L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Plantago serpentina All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pleurospermum austriacum (L.) Hoffm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa angustifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa annua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa badensis Haenke ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa bulbosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa cenisia auct., non All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa chaixii Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa compressa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa hybrida Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa minor Gaudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa nemoralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa remota Forselles Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Poa supina Schrad. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polemonium caeruleum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polycarpon tetraphyllum (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polycnemum arvense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polycnemum majus A.Braun Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polycnemum verrucosum Làng Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala alpestris Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala amarella Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala calcarea F.W.Schultz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala chamaebuxus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala comosa Schkuhr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygala vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum amphibium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum arenastrum Boreau Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum aviculare auct. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum bistorta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum hydropiper L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum lapathifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum minus Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum mite Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum oxyspermum C.A.Mey. & Bunge ex Ledeb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum oxyspermum subsp. raii (Bab.) D.A.Webb & Chater Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum persicaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Polygonum viviparum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Populus alba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Populus nigra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Populus tremula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton acutifolius Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton alpinus Balb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton coloratus Hornem. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton compressus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton crispus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton filiformis Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton friesii Rupr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton gramineus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton helveticus (G.Fisch.) W.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton lucens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton natans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton nodosus Poir. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert. & W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton pectinatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton praelongus Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton pusillus auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton rutilus Wolfg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton trichoides Cham. & Schltdl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potamogeton x zizii W.D.J.Koch ex Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla alba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla anglica (Briq.) Gamisans ex Kerguélen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla anserina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla argentea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla aurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla caulescens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla collina Wibel sensu stricto Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla heptaphylla sensu H.J.Coste, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla incana P.Gaertn., B.Mey. & Scherb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla inclinata Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla intermedia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla micrantha Ramond ex DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla norvegica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla palustris (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla pusilla Host Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla recta L. sensu stricto Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla reptans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla rupestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla sterilis (L.) Garcke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla supina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla tabernaemontani Asch. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Potentilla thuringiaca Bernh. ex Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prenanthes purpurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula auricula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula clusiana Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula elatior (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula farinosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula hirsuta All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula minima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula veris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Primula vulgaris Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunella grandiflora (L.) Scholler Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunella laciniata (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunella vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunus domestica subsp. insititia (L.) C.K.Schneid. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunus fruticosa Pall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunus mahaleb L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunus padus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Prunus spinosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pseudofumaria lutea (L.) Borkh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Puccinellia distans (L.) Parl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Puccinellia maritima (Huds.) Parl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulicaria dysenterica (L.) Bernh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulicaria vulgaris Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulmonaria angustifolia auct. pro parte, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulmonaria mollis Wulfen ex Hornem. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulmonaria montana auct., non Lej. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulmonaria obscura Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulmonaria officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla alba Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla alpina (L.) Delarbre Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla patens (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. grandis (Wender.) Zæmelis Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pulsatilla vulgaris subsp. vulgaris Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrola chlorantha Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrola media Sw. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrola minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrola rotundifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrus communis auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Pyrus pyraster Burgsd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Quercus pubescens Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Quercus robur L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Radiola linoides Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus aconitifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus acris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus alpestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus aquatilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus baudotii Godr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus bulbosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus circinatus Sibth. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus ficaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus flammula L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus fluitans Lam. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus glacialis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus hederaceus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus hybridus Biria Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus illyricus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus lanuginosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus lingua L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus montanus Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus ololeucos J.Lloyd Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus peltatus Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus penicillatus (Dumort.) Bab. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus platanifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus polyanthemos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus polyanthemos subsp. polyanthemoides (Boreau) Ahlfv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus reptans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus rionii Lagger Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus sardous Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus sceleratus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ranunculus trichophyllus Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Raphanus raphanistrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rapistrum perenne (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Reseda lutea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Reseda luteola L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Reynoutria japonica Houtt. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhamnus pumilus Turra Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhamnus saxatilis Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhinanthus alectorolophus (Scop.) Pollich Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhinanthus angustifolius auct., non C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhinanthus minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhinanthus rumelicus Velen. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhodiola rosea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhododendron ferrugineum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhododendron hirsutum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhodothamnus chamaecistus (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhynchospora alba (L.) Vahl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rhynchospora fusca (L.) W.T.Aiton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes alpinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes nigrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes petraeum Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes rubrum sensu Jancz. et auct. recent. nonnull., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes spicatum E.Robson Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ribes uva-crispa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Robinia pseudacacia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rorippa amphibia (L.) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rorippa austriaca (Crantz) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rorippa pyrenaica (Lam.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa agrestis Savi Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa arvensis Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa caesia Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa canina Déségl. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa dumalis Bechst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa elliptica Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa gallica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa majalis Herrm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa micrantha Borrer ex Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa mollis Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa pendulina Salisb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa pimpinellifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa rubiginosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa sherardii Davies Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa stylosa Desv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa tomentella Léman Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa tomentosa Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rosa villosa auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus caesius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus canescens DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus chamaemorus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus conspicuus P.J.Müll. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus idaeus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus laciniatus Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus macrophyllus Weihe & Nees Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus nessensis Hall Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus rhamnifolius Weihe & Nees Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus saxatilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus sulcatus Vest ex Tratt. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rubus ulmifolius Schott Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex acetosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex acetosella L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex aquaticus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex conglomeratus Murray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex crispus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex hydrolapathum Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex maritimus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex obtusifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex palustris Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex sanguineus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex scutatus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex stenophyllus Ledeb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Rumex thyrsiflorus Fingerh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ruppia maritima auct., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ruta graveolens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina apetala auct. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina maritima Don Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina nodosa (L.) Fenzl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina procumbens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina saginoides (L.) H.Karst. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagina subulata (Sw.) C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagittaria latifolia Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salicornia dolichostachya Moss Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salicornia europaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salicornia ramosissima J.Woods Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix alba L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix alpina Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix appendiculata Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix atrocinerea (Brot.) Guinier Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix aurita auct. lusit., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix bicolor Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix caprea auct. lusit., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix cinerea auct. eur. occid. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix daphnoides Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix fragilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix glabra Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix hastata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix herbacea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix myrsinifolia Salisb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix myrtilloides Willd., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix pentandra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix purpurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix repens subsp. repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix reticulata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix retusa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix starkeana Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix triandra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix viminalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salix x rubens Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salsola kali subsp. kali L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salvia glutinosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salvia nemorosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salvia officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salvia pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Salvia verticillata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sambucus ebulus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sambucus nigra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sambucus racemosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Samolus valerandi L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sanguisorba minor Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sanguisorba officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sanicula europaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saponaria ocymoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saponaria officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saussurea discolor (Willd.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga aizoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga androsacea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga aphylla Sternb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga biflora All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga bryoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga burseriana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga caesia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga granulata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga hirculus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga mutata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga oppositifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga oppositifolia subsp. oppositifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga rosacea Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga rotundifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga sponhemica C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga stellaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Saxifraga tridactylites L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scabiosa canescens Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scabiosa columbaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scabiosa lucida Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scabiosa ochroleuca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scandix pecten-veneris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scheuchzeria palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus lacustris (L.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus litoralis (Schrad.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus mucronatus (L.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus supinus (L.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C.Gmel.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenoplectus triqueter (L.) Palla Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenus ferrugineus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Schoenus nigricans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scilla bifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scilla vindobonensis Speta Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scirpus atrovirens Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scirpus radicans Schkuhr Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scirpus sylvaticus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scleranthus annuus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scleranthus perennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scleranthus polycarpos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scleranthus verticillatus Tausch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sclerochloa dura (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scolochloa festucacea (Willd.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera austriaca Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera hispanica auct. lusit., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera humilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera laciniata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera parviflora Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scorzonera purpurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scrophularia auriculata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scrophularia canina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scrophularia nodosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scrophularia umbrosa Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scrophularia vernalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scutellaria altissima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scutellaria galericulata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scutellaria hastifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Scutellaria minor Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum acre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum alpestre Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum annuum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum dasyphyllum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum forsterianum Sm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum ochroleucum auct. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum rubens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum sexangulare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum telephium sensu Boriss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum telephium subsp. maximum (L.) Krock. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sedum villosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Selinum carvifolia (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sempervivum arachnoideum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sempervivum tectorum auct. eur. orient., non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio abrotanifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio alpinus auct., non Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio aquaticus Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio doronicum (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio erucifolius L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio fluviatilis Wallr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio jacobaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio paludosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio squalidus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio subalpinus W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Senecio viscosus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Serratula tinctoria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Seseli annuum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Seseli hippomarathrum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Seseli libanotis (L.) W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Seseli montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sesleria albicans Kit. ex Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sesleria ovata (Hoppe) A.Kern. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Setaria pumila (Poir.) Schult. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sherardia arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sibbaldia procumbens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silaum silaus (L.) Schinz & Thell. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene armeria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene conica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene gallica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene nemoralis Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene noctiflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene nutans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene otites (L.) Wibel Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene pusilla Waldst. & Kit. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene rupestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene tatarica (L.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene viscosa (L.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Silene vulgaris subsp. humilis (Schubert) Rauschert Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sinapis arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium austriacum Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium irio L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium loeselii L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium orientale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisymbrium strictissimum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sisyrinchium bermudiana sensu H.J.Coste, non L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sium latifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Smyrnium perfoliatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Solanum dulcamara L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Solanum nigrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Soldanella alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Soldanella austriaca Vierh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Soldanella montana Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Solidago virgaurea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sonchus arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sonchus oleraceus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sonchus palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus aria (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus aucuparia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus badensis Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus chamaemespilus (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus danubialis (Jàv.) Kàrpàti Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus decipiens (Bechst.) Irmisch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus domestica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus franconica Bornm. ex Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus graeca (Spach) Kotschy Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus heilingensis Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus intermedia (Ehrh.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus latifolia (Lam.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus mougeotii Soy.-Will. & Godr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus multicrenata Bornm. ex Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus pseudothuringiaca Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus subcordata Bornm. ex Düll Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sparganium angustifolium Michx. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sparganium emersum Rehmann Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sparganium erectum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Sparganium natans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergula arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergula morisonii Boreau Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergula pentandra L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergularia echinosperma (celak.) Asch. & Graebn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergularia maritima (All.) Chiov. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergularia rubra (L.) J.Presl & C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spergularia salina J.Presl & C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spiranthes aestivalis (Poir.) Rich. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spiranthes spiralis (L.) Chevall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys annua (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys arvensis (L.) L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys germanica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys recta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stachys sylvatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Staphylea pinnata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria alsine Grimm, nom. inval. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria graminea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria holostea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria longifolia Muhl. ex Willd. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria media (L.) Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria neglecta Weihe Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Piré Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stellaria palustris Retz. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa borysthenica Klokov ex Prokudin Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa capillata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa dasyphylla (Lindem.) Trautv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa eriocaulis subsp. lutetiana H.Scholz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa pulcherrima Moraldo Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stipa tirsa sensu K.M.Zalessky, non Steven Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Stratiotes aloides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Suaeda maritima (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Subularia aquatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Succisa pratensis Moench Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Succisella inflexa (Kluk) Beck Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Swertia perennis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Symphytum officinale L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Symphytum tuberosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Syringa vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tamus communis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tanacetum corymbosum (L.) Sch.Bip. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tanacetum macrophyllum (Waldst. & Kit.) Sch.Bip. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Sch.Bip. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tanacetum vulgare L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teesdalia nudicaulis (L.) R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Telekia speciosa (Schreb.) Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tetragonolobus maritimus (L.) Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teucrium botrys L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teucrium chamaedrys L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teucrium montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teucrium scordium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Teucrium scorodonia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum flavum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum lucidum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum morisonii C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum simplex L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum simplex subsp. galioides (Nestl.) Korsh. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thalictrum simplex subsp. simplex L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thesium alpinum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thesium bavarum Schrank Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thesium linophyllon L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thesium pyrenaicum Pourr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thesium rostratum Mert. & W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi alliaceum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi caerulescens J.Presl & C.Presl Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi calaminare (Lej.) Lej. & Courtois Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi perfoliatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thlaspi rotundifolium (L.) Gaudin, non Tineo Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thymelaea passerina (L.) Coss. & Germ. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thymus praecox Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thymus pulegioides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thymus serpyllum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Thymus vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tilia cordata Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tilia platyphyllos Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tofieldia calyculata (L.) Wahlenb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tofieldia pusilla (Michx.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tordylium maximum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Torilis japonica (Houtt.) DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaertn. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tozzia alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tragopogon dubius Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tragopogon pratensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tragus racemosus (L.) All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trapa natans L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Traunsteinera globosa (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trichophorum alpinum (L.) Pers. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trientalis europaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium alpestre L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium arvense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium aureum Pollich Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium badium Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium campestre Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium dubium Sibth. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium fragiferum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium hybridum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium medium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium montanum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium ochroleucon Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium ornithopodioides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium pratense L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium repens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium retusum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium rubens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium scabrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium spadiceum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium striatum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trifolium thalii Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Triglochin maritima L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Triglochin palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trinia glauca (L.) Dumort. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tripleurospermum maritimum (L.) W.D.J.Koch Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trisetum distichophyllum (Vill.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trisetum flavescens (L.) P.Beauv. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Trollius europaeus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tuberaria guttata (L.) Fourr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tulipa sylvestris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Tussilago farfara L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Typha angustifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Typha latifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Typha minima Funck Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Typha shuttleworthii W.D.J.Koch & Sond. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ulex europaeus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ulmus glabra Mill., non Huds. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ulmus laevis Pall. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ulmus minor Mill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Urtica dioica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Urtica kioviensis Rogow. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Urtica urens L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia australis R.Br. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia bremii Heer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia intermedia Hayne Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia ochroleuca R.W.Hartm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Utricularia vulgaris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccinium myrtillus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccinium oxycoccos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccinium uliginosum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana dioica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana montana Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana pratensis Dierb. ex E.Walther, [non (Benth.) Benth. ex Steud.] Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana sambucifolia J.C.Mikan Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana saxatilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana supina Ard. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana tripteris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valeriana wallrothii Kreyer Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valerianella carinata Loisel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valerianella dentata (L.) Pollich Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Valerianella rimosa Bastard Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vallisneria spiralis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Ventenata dubia (Leers) Coss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veratrum album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum blattaria L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum densiflorum Bertol. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum lychnitis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum nigrum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum phlomoides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum phoeniceum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum pulverulentum Vill. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbascum thapsus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Verbena officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica acinifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica agrestis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica alpina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica anagalloides Guss. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica aphylla L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica arvensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica austriaca L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica beccabunga L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica bellidioides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica catenata Pennell Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica dillenii Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica fruticans Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica fruticulosa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica jacquinii Baumg. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica longifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica montana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica officinalis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica opaca Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica peregrina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica praecox All. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica prostrata subsp. prostrata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica prostrata subsp. scheereri J.-P.Brandt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica scutellata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica serpyllifolia L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica spicata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica teucrium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica triloba Opiz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica triphyllos L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica urticifolia Jacq. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Veronica verna L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viburnum lantana L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viburnum opulus L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia cassubica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia dumetorum L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia grandiflora Scop. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia hirsuta (L.) Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia lathyroides L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia lutea L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia narbonensis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia oroboides Wulfen Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia orobus DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia pannonica Crantz Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia pisiformis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia sativa L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia sepium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia sylvatica L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia tenuifolia Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vicia villosa Roth Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vinca minor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola alba Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola arvensis Murray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola biflora L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola calcarata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola canina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola canina subsp. canina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola collina Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola elatior Fr. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola epipsila Ledeb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola hirta L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola mirabilis L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola odorata L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola persicifolia Schreb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola pumila Chaix Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola pyrenaica Ramond ex DC. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola reichenbachiana Jord. ex Boreau Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola riviniana Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola rupestris F.W.Schmidt Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola suavis M.Bieb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola tricolor L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viola uliginosa Besser Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viscum album L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viscum album subsp. abietis (Wiesb.) Abrom. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vitis vinifera subsp. sylvestris (C.C.Gmel.) Hegi Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vulpia bromoides (L.) Gray Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C.Gmel. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Wahlenbergia hederacea sensu Willk. pro parte, non (L.) Rchb. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimm. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Xanthium strumarium L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Zannichellia palustris L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Zostera marina L. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
Zostera noltii Hornem. Flowering Plants Angiospermae
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100