Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.

Inland salt meadows

Description (English)

Non-coastal natural salt basins made up of different habitat types consisting of zones of seepage of saline water, running or stagnant saline water, with typical halophilous vegetation and of reed beds at the edge of brackish waters.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 1340)
Habitat type Priority
Natura 2000 sites 138 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Flowering Plants Aster tripolium
Flowering Plants Atriplex hastata
Flowering Plants Elymus pungens
Flowering Plants Elymus pycnanthus
Flowering Plants Halimione pedunculata
Flowering Plants Juncus gerardi
Flowering Plants Plantago maritima
Flowering Plants Puccinellia distans
Flowering Plants Spergularia salina
Flowering Plants Suaeda maritima
Flowering Plants Triglochin maritima
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Aster tripolium Flowering Plants
Atriplex hastata Flowering Plants
Elymus pungens Flowering Plants
Elymus pycnanthus Flowering Plants
Halimione pedunculata Flowering Plants
Juncus gerardi Flowering Plants
Plantago maritima Flowering Plants
Puccinellia distans Flowering Plants
Spergularia salina Flowering Plants
Suaeda maritima Flowering Plants
Triglochin maritima Flowering Plants

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
BG0000196 Bulgaria Reka Mochuritsa Map
BG0000205 Bulgaria Straldzha Map
BG0000233 Bulgaria Studena reka Map
BG0000441 Bulgaria Reka Blatnitsa Map
CZ0210173 Czech Republic Slaná louka u Újezdce Map
CZ0410150 Czech Republic Soos Map
CZ0420525 Czech Republic Slanisko u Škrle Map
CZ0620031 Czech Republic Slanisko Dobré Pole Map
CZ0620076 Czech Republic Zřídla u Nesvačilky Map
CZ0620158 Czech Republic Rumunská bažantnice Map
CZ0620187 Czech Republic Slanisko Novosedly Map
CZ0624102 Czech Republic Slanisko u Nesytu Map
DE1846302 Germany Binnensalzstelle Greifswald, An der Bleiche Map
DE1941301 Germany Recknitz- und Trebeltal mit Zuflüssen Map
DE2127391 Germany Travetal Map
DE2236301 Germany Binnensalzwiese bei Sülten Map
DE2450301 Germany Koblentzer See und Zerrenthiner Wiesen Map
DE2749301 Germany Uckerseewiesen und Trockenhänge Map
DE2819370 Germany Hollerland Map
DE2848302 Germany Eulenberge Map
DE2849325 Germany Oberückersee Map
DE2918302 Germany Binnensalzstelle Rethriehen Map
DE2924301 Germany Böhme Map
DE2949303 Germany Sernitz-Niederung und Trockenrasen Map
DE3031301 Germany Landgraben- und Dummeniederung Map
DE3132301 Germany Landgraben-Dumme-Niederung nördlich Salzwedel Map
DE3343302 Germany Salzstelle Nauen Map
DE3623331 Germany Binnensalzstelle am Kaliwerk Ronnenberg Map
DE3627331 Germany Binnensalzstelle Klein Oedesse Map
DE3631331 Germany Pfeifengras-Wiesen und Binnensalzstelle bei Grasleben Map
DE3642302 Germany Rietzer See Map
DE3709302 Germany Salzbrunnen am Rothenberg Map
DE3729331 Germany Wälder und Kleingewässer zwischen Mascherode und Cremlingen Map
DE3731331 Germany Dorm Map
DE3744301 Germany Nuthe-Nieplitz-Niederung Map
DE3746302 Germany Prierowsee Map
DE3746305 Germany Königsgraben und Schleuse Mellensee Map
DE3746308 Germany Umgebung Prierowsee Map
DE3749301 Germany Groß Schauener Seenkette Map
DE3749302 Germany Luchwiesen Map
DE3749309 Germany Groß Schauener Seenkette Ergänzung Map
DE3818301 Germany Salzquellen bei der Loose Map
DE3830301 Germany Heeseberg-Gebiet Map
DE3833301 Germany Salzstelle Wormsdorf Map
DE3843301 Germany Obere Nieplitz Map
DE3845302 Germany Gadsdorfer Torfstiche und Luderbusch Map
DE3846302 Germany Horstfelder und Hechtsee Map
DE3846306 Germany Wehrdamm/Mellensee/Kleiner Wünsdorfer See Map
DE3935301 Germany Sülzetal bei Sülldorf Map
DE3951305 Germany Uferwiesen bei Niewisch Map
DE4047304 Germany Luckauer Salzstellen Map
DE4047306 Germany Dahmetal Ergänzung Map
DE4135301 Germany Salzstelle bei Hecklingen Map
DE4137304 Germany Diebziger Busch und Wulfener Bruchwiesen Map
DE4148303 Germany Borcheltsbusch und Brandkieten, Erweiterung Map
DE4317303 Germany Heder mit Thüler Moorkomplex Map
DE4525333 Germany Leine zwischen Friedland und Niedernjesa Map
DE4533301 Germany Gewässersystem der Helmeniederung Map
DE4536301 Germany Röhrichte und Salzwiesen am Süßen See Map
DE4536302 Germany Salziger See nördlich Röblingen am See Map
DE4536304 Germany Salzatal bei Langenbogen Map
DE4632302 Germany Kyffhäuser - Badraer Schweiz - Solwiesen Map
DE4633303 Germany Esperstedter Ried - Salzstellen bei Artern Map
DE4637301 Germany Geiselniederung westlich Merseburg Map
DE4832304 Germany Haßlebener Ried - Alperstedter Ried Map
DE4932302 Germany Luisenhall Map
DE5026301 Germany Rohrlache von Heringen Map
DE5328305 Germany Werra bis Treffurt mit Zuflüssen Map
DE5518301 Germany Salzwiesen von Münzenberg Map
DE5518303 Germany Salzwiesen bei Rockenberg Map
DE5519304 Germany Horloffaue zwischen Hungen und Grund-Schwalheim Map
DE5618301 Germany Salzwiesen von Wisselsheim Map
DE5619306 Germany Grünlandgebiete in der Wetterau Map
DE5620301 Germany Salzwiesen und Weinberg von Selters Map
DE5627371 Germany Fränkische Saale zwischen Heustreu und Steinach Map
DE5830301 Germany Alsteraue von der Landesgrenze bis zur Mündung Map
DE6015301 Germany NSG Laubenheimer-Bodenheimer Ried Map
DE6016303 Germany Riedloch von Trebur mit angrenzender Fläche Map
DK005X223 Denmark Åmose, Tissø, Halleby Å og Flasken Map
DK006X087 Denmark Maribosøerne Map
DK006Y275 Denmark Suså med Tystrup-Bavelse Sø og Slagmosen Map
DK008X188 Denmark Odense Å med Hågerup Å, Sallinge Å og Lindved Å Map
DK00FX120 Denmark Store Vildmose Map
DK00FX123 Denmark Nibe Bredning, Halkær Ådal og Sønderup Ådal Map
FR4100219 France Complexe de l'étang de Lindre, forêt de Romersberg et zones voisines Map
FR4100231 France Secteurs halophiles et prairies humides de la vallée de la Nied Map
FR4100232 France Vallée de la Seille (secteur amont et petite Seille) Map
FR8301032 France Zones alluviales de la confluence Dore-Allier Map
FR8301034 France Gorges de la Sioule Map
FR8301035 France Vallées et côteaux xérothermiques des Couzes et Limagnes Map
FR8301036 France Vallées et côteaux thermophiles au nord de Clermont-Ferrand Map
FR8301037 France Marais salé de Saint-Beauzire Map
FR8301038 France Val d'Allier - Alagnon Map
FR8301073 France Côteaux de Montlaison / la Garenne / Prés salés de Beaumont Map
FR8302012 France Gîtes à chauve-souris du pays des Couzes Map
FR9301502 France Steppique Durancien et Queyrassin Map
IT4020023 Italy Barboj di Rivalta Map
IT4040007 Italy Salse di Nirano Map
PLH040007 Poland Jezioro Gopło Map
PLH040019 Poland Ciechocinek Map
PLH040027 Poland Łąki Trzęślicowe w Foluszu Map
PLH040029 Poland Równina Szubińsko-Łabiszyńska Map
PLH040030 Poland Solniska Szubińskie Map
PLH040037 Poland Słone Łąki w Dolinie Zgłowiączki Map
PLH100006 Poland Pradolina Bzury-Neru Map
PLH100029 Poland Słone Łąki w Pełczyskach Map
PLH260003 Poland Ostoja Nidziańska Map
PLH260033 Poland Ostoja Stawiany Map
PLH260034 Poland Ostoja Szaniecko-Solecka Map
PLH300009 Poland Ostoja Nadwarciańska Map
PLH300014 Poland Zachodnie Pojezierze Krzywińskie Map
PLH300057 Poland Dolina Średzkiej Strugi Map
PLH320007 Poland Dorzecze Parsęty Map
PLH320018 Poland Ujście Odry i Zalew Szczeciński Map
SKCHVU004 Slovakia Dolne Pohronie Map
SKCHVU005 Slovakia Dolne Povazie Map
SKCHVU013 Slovakia Mala Fatra Map
SKUEV0004 Slovakia Kopčianske slanisko Map
SKUEV0010 Slovakia Komarnanske slanisko Map
SKUEV0017 Slovakia Pri Orechovom rade Map
SKUEV0066 Slovakia Kameninske slaniska Map
SKUEV0068 Slovakia Jursky chlm Map
SKUEV0069 Slovakia Bucske slanisko Map
SKUEV0076 Slovakia Bokrosske slanisko Map
SKUEV0078 Slovakia Mostova Map
SKUEV0080 Slovakia Juhasove slance Map
SKUEV0088 Slovakia Siky Map
SKUEV0095 Slovakia Panske luky Map
SKUEV0096 Slovakia Surianske slaniska Map
SKUEV0097 Slovakia Palarikovske luky Map
SKUEV0099 Slovakia Pavelske slanisko Map
SKUEV0105 Slovakia Spisskopodhradske travertiny Map
SKUEV0139 Slovakia Ganovske slaniska Map
SKUEV0152 Slovakia Sliacske travertiny Map
SKUEV0155 Slovakia Aluvium Starej Nitry Map
SKUEV0254 Slovakia Mociar Map
SKUEV0279 Slovakia Sur Map
SKUEV2105 Slovakia Spisskopodhradske travertiny Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100