Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.


Description (English)

Temporary lakes principally filled by subterranean waters and particular to karstic limestone areas in Ireland. Most flood in the autumn and then dry up between April and July. However, some may flood at any time of the year after heavy rainfall and dry out again in a few days; others, close to the sea, may be affected by the tide in summer. These lakes fill and empty at particular places. The soils are quite variable, including limestone bedrock, marls, peat, clay and humus, while aquatic conditions range from ultra oligotrophic to eutrophic. The vegetation mainly belongs to the alliance Lolio Potentillion anserinae Tx. 1947, but also Caricion davallianae Klika 1934.

Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)

Quick facts

EU Habitats Directive Annex I habitat type (code 3180)
Habitat type Priority
Natura 2000 sites 75 are designated for this habitat type


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Conservation status

EU conservation status

Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.

Good: A habitat is in a situation where it is prospering and with good prospects to do so in the future as well
Poor: A habitat is in a situation where a change in management or policy is required to return the habitat to favourable status but there is no danger of disappearance in the foreseeable future
Bad: A habitat is in serious danger of disappearing (at least regionally)
Unknown: The information available for the habitat type is scarce and does not allow a proper assessment of its conservation status

Species mentioned in habitat description

Invertebrates Agonum lugens
Invertebrates Badister meridionalis
Invertebrates Blethisa multipunctata
Invertebrates Pelophila borealis
Invertebrates Tanymastix stagnalis
Mosses & Liverworts Cinclidotus fontinaloides
Mosses & Liverworts Fontinalis antipyretica
Species scientific name English common name Species group
Agonum lugens Invertebrates
Badister meridionalis Invertebrates
Blethisa multipunctata Invertebrates
Pelophila borealis Invertebrates
Tanymastix stagnalis Invertebrates
Cinclidotus fontinaloides Mosses & Liverworts
Fontinalis antipyretica Mosses & Liverworts

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
DE4226301 Germany Gipskarstgebiet bei Osterode Map
DE4231301 Germany Laubwaldgebiet zwischen Wernigerode und Blankenburg Map
DE4325301 Germany Göttinger Wald Map
DE4329303 Germany Gipskarstgebiet bei Bad Sachsa Map
DE4429301 Germany Hunnengrube - Katzenschwanz - Sattelköpfe Map
DE4430301 Germany Kammerforst - Himmelsberg - Mühlberg Map
DE4430304 Germany Rüdigsdorfer Schweiz - Harzfelder Holz - Hasenwinkel Map
DE4431302 Germany Alter Stolberg und Heimkehle im Südharz Map
DE4431305 Germany NSG Alter Stolberg Map
DE4432301 Germany Buntsandstein- und Gipskarstlandschaft bei Questenberg im Südharz Map
DE4534301 Germany Der Hagen und Othaler Holz nördlich Beyernaumburg Map
DE5327305 Germany Roßdorfer Steintriften Map
DE6724341 Germany Jagsttal Langenburg - Mulfingen Map
DE8312311 Germany Dinkelberg und Röttler Wald Map
EE0010101 Estonia Tuhala Map
EE0010114 Estonia Kostivere Map
EE0010125 Estonia Vääna Map
EE0020408 Estonia Märjamaa järtade Map
EE0040436 Estonia Laidunina Map
EE0060106 Estonia Tudre Map
EE0060112 Estonia Jalgsema Map
EE0060214 Estonia Porkuni Map
EE0070132 Estonia Uhaku Map
HR2000594 Croatia Povremeno jezero Blata Map
HR2000932 Croatia Prološko blato Map
HR2000951 Croatia Krotuša Map
IE0000051 Ireland Lough Gash Turlough SAC Map
IE0000054 Ireland Moneen Mountain SAC Map
IE0000218 Ireland Coolcam Turlough SAC Map
IE0000238 Ireland Caherglassaun Turlough SAC Map
IE0000242 Ireland Castletaylor Complex SAC Map
IE0000252 Ireland Coole-Garryland Complex SAC Map
IE0000255 Ireland Croaghill Turlough SAC Map
IE0000268 Ireland Galway Bay Complex SAC Map
IE0000295 Ireland Levally Lough SAC Map
IE0000296 Ireland Lisnageeragh Bog and Ballinastack Turlough SAC Map
IE0000301 Ireland Lough Lurgeen Bog/Glenamaddy Turlough SAC Map
IE0000318 Ireland Peterswell Turlough SAC Map
IE0000322 Ireland Rahasane Turlough SAC Map
IE0000407 Ireland The Loughans SAC Map
IE0000448 Ireland Fortwilliam Turlough SAC Map
IE0000461 Ireland Ardkill Turlough SAC Map
IE0000463 Ireland Balla Turlough SAC Map
IE0000475 Ireland Carrowkeel Turlough SAC Map
IE0000480 Ireland Clyard Kettle-holes SAC Map
IE0000492 Ireland Doocastle Turlough SAC Map
IE0000503 Ireland Greaghans Turlough SAC Map
IE0000504 Ireland Kilglassan/Caheravoostia Turlough Complex SAC Map
IE0000525 Ireland Shrule Turlough SAC Map
IE0000541 Ireland Skealoghan Turlough SAC Map
IE0000588 Ireland Ballinturly Turlough SAC Map
IE0000606 Ireland Lough Fingall Complex SAC Map
IE0000609 Ireland Lisduff Turlough SAC Map
IE0000610 Ireland Lough Croan Turlough SAC Map
IE0000611 Ireland Lough Funshinagh SAC Map
IE0000612 Ireland Mullygollan Turlough SAC Map
IE0000637 Ireland Turloughmore (Sligo) SAC Map
IE0000996 Ireland Ballyvaughan Turlough SAC Map
IE0001285 Ireland Kiltiernan Turlough SAC Map
IE0001321 Ireland Termon Lough SAC Map
IE0001625 Ireland Castlesampson Esker SAC Map
IE0001637 Ireland Four Roads Turlough SAC Map
IE0001656 Ireland Bricklieve Mountains & Keishcorran SAC Map
IE0001926 Ireland East Burren Complex SAC Map
IE0002117 Ireland Lough Coy SAC Map
IE0002293 Ireland Carrowbaun, Newhall and Ballylee Turloughs SAC Map
IE0002294 Ireland Cahermore Turlough SAC Map
IE0002295 Ireland Ballinduff Turlough SAC Map
IE0002296 Ireland Williamstown Turloughs SAC Map
IE0002303 Ireland Dunmuckrum Turloughs SAC Map
IE0002339 Ireland Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough SAC Map
SI3000171 Slovenia Radensko polje - Viršnica Map
SI3000231 Slovenia Javorniki - Snežnik Map
SI3000232 Slovenia Notranjski trikotnik Map
SI3000256 Slovenia Krimsko hribovje - Menišija Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Relation to habitat classifications

European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100