Endemic phryganas of the Euphorbio-Verbascion
Quick facts
EU Habitats Directive | Annex I habitat type (code 5430) |
Habitat type | Not priority |
Natura 2000 sites | 82 are designated for this habitat type |
Description (English)
Cushion-forming thermo-Mediterranean sclerophyllous formations, often thorny and summer deciduous. The following subtypes are included:
Pal. 33.4 - Mid-elevation phryganas of Crete: varied formations of supra- and oro- Mediterranean levels of Crete resulting from the broad contact between phryganas and hedgehog-heaths (Pal. 32.7), with Euphorbia acanthothamnos, Verbascum spinosum, Berberis cretica, Phlomis cretica, Satureja biroi, Sideritis syriaca, Hypericum empetrifolium, Origanum microphyllum, Micromeria juliana, Helichrysum italicum ssp. microphyllum, Genista acanthoclada.
Pal. 33.5 - Hypericum phryganas: extremely rare, local colonies of hemispherical shrubs of Hypericum aegyptiacum forming open phryganas on calcareous rocks by the sea in the Ionian islands, western Crete, Sardinia and Lampedusa.
Pal. 33.6 - Italian Sarcopoterium phryganas: very local, impoverished Sarcopoterium spinosum formations of Capo St. Elia (southern Sardinian coast) and of the Gulf of Taranto (Puglia, Calabria).
Pal.33.7 - Sardinian Genista acanthoclada phrygana: very local Genista acanthoclada ssp. sardoa-dominated communities of northwestern Sardinia.
Pal. 33.8 - Balearic clifftop phryganas: formations of the coasts of Mallorca and Minorca dominated by the cushion-forming Balearic endemics Launaea cervicornis, Astragalus balearicus, *Centaurea balearica, Anthyllis fulgurans, Anthyllis hermanniae ssp. hystrix, Teucrium subspinosum.
Pal. 33.9 - Cyrno-Sardian Genista phryganas: thermo-Mediterranean formations of headlands and peninsulas of Corsica and Sardinia dominated by cushion-forming spiny Genista corsica or Genista morisii. These endemic species participate in the constitution of hedgehog-heaths (Pal. 31.75) as well as in that of the coastal formations listed here, which assume an evident phrygana appearance; they may also enter in the composition of mid-elevation formations of less distinctive appearance which can be listed under Pal. 32.482.
Pal. 33.A - Pantelleria phrygana: coastal formation of hemispherical shrubs with the Pantelleria endemics Helichrysum saxatile ssp. errerae and Matthiola pulchella, vicariant of the west Mediterranean, Balearic and Sardinian clifftop phryganas.
Source: Interpretation Manual of European Union Habitats, version EUR 28 (2013)
Conservation status
EU conservation status
Conservation status assesses every six years and for each biogeographical region the condition of habitats and species compared to the favourable status as described in the Habitats Directive. The map shows the 2013-2018 assessments as reported by EU Member State. Assessments are further detailed in the summary document available behind the link below.
Species mentioned in habitat description
Species scientific name | English common name | Species group |
Astragalus balearicus | Flowering Plants | |
Centaurea balearica | Flowering Plants | |
Euphorbia acanthothamnos | Flowering Plants | |
Genista corsica | Flowering Plants | |
Genista morisii | Flowering Plants | |
Launaea cervicornis | Flowering Plants | |
Micromeria juliana | Flowering Plants | |
Origanum microphyllum | Flowering Plants | |
Phlomis cretica | Flowering Plants | |
Sarcopoterium spinosum | Flowering Plants | |
Sideritis syriaca | Flowering Plants | |
Teucrium subspinosum | Flowering Plants | |
Verbascum spinosum | Flowering Plants |