EUNIS habitat classification 2012 amended 2019 > A - Marine habitats > A5 - Sublittoral sediment > A5.1 - Sublittoral coarse sediment

Sublittoral coarse sediment

English name: Sublittoral coarse sediment

Description (English)

Coarse sediments including coarse sand, gravel, pebbles, shingle and cobbles which are often unstable due to tidal currents and/or wave action. These habitats are generally found on the open coast or in tide-swept channels of marine inlets. They typically have a low silt content and a lack of a significant seaweed component. They are characterised by a robust fauna including venerid bivalves.

Source: EUNIS habitat classification

Quick facts

EUNIS habitat type code A5.1
Bern Convention Included in a Resolution 4 habitat type at a higher level (A5)
Relation to Annex I habitat types (EU Habitats Directive)

Vegetation types

Species mentioned in habitat description

Other classifications


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