Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Chordata > Class: Aves > Order: Charadriiformes > Family: Stercorariidae > Genus: Stercorarius > Species: Stercorarius parasiticus

Artic Skua - Stercorarius parasiticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Least Concern (IUCN)
EU Population status
Protected by EU Birds Directive and 1 other international agreement
Natura 2000 sites 53 are designated for this species
Breeding habitats
  • sparsely vegetated land
Wintering habitats
  • open ocean
  • shelf
Natura 2000 species code A173


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and EU population status

IUCN Red List status of threatened species

The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.

EU population status

The status of the population at the EU level was evaluated at the species level; this was based on the reports delivered by Member States under Article 12 of the Birds Directive (see fact sheet below). The EU status assessment can cover several subspecies/subspecific population units. For more information, please consult the species fact sheet and link below.

IUCN Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Near Threatened
Regionally Extinct
Not Applicable
Extinct in the Wild
Data Deficient
Least Concern
Critically Endangered
Population status categories for bird species under the Birds Directive
Near Threatened, declining or depleted
Threatened (i.e. vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, regionally extinct)
Unknown or not evaluated

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
ES0000318 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
FR2110001 France Lacs de la forêt d'Orient Map
FR2110002 France Lac du Der Map
FR2310044 France Estuaire et marais de la Basse Seine Map
FR2310045 France Littoral seino-marin Map
FR2512001 France Littoral augeron Map
FR3110085 France Cap Gris-Nez Map
FR5310057 France Archipel de Glenan Map
FR5310072 France Ouessant-Molène Map
FR5310074 France Baie de Vilaine Map
FR5310092 France Rivière de Pénerf Map
FR5310093 France Baie de Quiberon Map
FR5412012 France Bonne Anse, marais de Bréjat et de Saint Augustin Map
FR8310066 France Monts et Plomb du Cantal Map
FR9310019 France Camargue Map
IT20B0009 Italy Valli del Mincio Map
IT3210018 Italy Basso Garda Map
ITA040002 Italy Isola di Lampedusa e Lampione Map
PLB220004 Poland Ujście Wisły Map
PLB220005 Poland Zatoka Pucka Map
PTZPE0009 Portugal Ilhas Berlengas Map
SE0230055 Sweden Sankt Anna och Gryts skärgårdar Map
SE0230090 Sweden Bråviken yttre Map
SE0230138 Sweden Åsvikelandet-Kvädö Map
SE0230139 Sweden Dannskären Map
SE0230328 Sweden Missjö Map
SE0520001 Sweden Vrångöskärgården Map
SE0520036 Sweden Sälöfjorden Map
SE0520043 Sweden Nordre älvs estuarium Map
SE0630139 Sweden Långvind Map
SE0820035 Sweden Rödkallen-SörÄspen Map
BG0000270 Bulgaria Atanasovsko ezero Map
ITA040013 Italy Arcipelago delle Pelagie - area marina e terrestre Map
IT9320302 Italy Marchesato e Fiume Neto Map
PTCON0008 Portugal Sintra / Cascais Map
IT20B0017 Italy Ansa e Valli del Mincio Map
ROSPA0031 Romania Delta Dunării și Complexul Razim - Sinoie Map
BG0002043 Bulgaria Emine Map
BG0002045 Bulgaria Kompleks Kamchia Map
FR5312010 France Dunes et côtes de Trévignon Map
FR5212014 France Estuaire de la Loire - Baie de Bourgneuf Map
FR9112034 France Cap Bear- cap Cerbère Map
FR5312009 France Roches de Penmarc'h Map
FR5212015 France Secteur marin de l'île d'Yeu jusqu'au continent Map
FR5312011 France Iles Houat-Hoedic Map
FR5212013 France Mor Braz Map
FR7212018 France Bassin d'Arcachon et banc d'Arguin Map
FR3112006 France Bancs des Flandres Map
AT2209000 Austria Niedere Tauern Map
ES1200055 Spain Cabo Busto-Luanco Map
SE0420360 Sweden Nordvästra Skånes havsområde Map
FR2512005 France Nord Bretagne DO Map
FR5212016 France Mers Celtiques - Talus du golfe de Gascogne Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Common names and synonyms

Common Name Language Reference
Artic Skua English Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Ékfarkú halfarkas Hungarian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Kleine Jager Dutch Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Labb Swedish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Labbe parasite French Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Labbo Italian Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Merikihu Finnish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Moleiro-parasítico Portuguese Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Págalo Parásito Spanish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Schmarotzerraubmöwe German Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.
Wydrzyk ostrosterny Polish Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & Blair, M.J.

Other resources

CoL (accepted name) Catalogue of Life
EBCC Atlas of breeding birds European Bird Census Council's Atlas of Breeding Birds
EURing code:05670 European bird-ringing
EoL Encyclopedia of Life
Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
ITIS (Valid name) Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Wikipedia Wikipedia
WoRMS World Register of Marine Species

External data

No external data sets available for this species
European Environment Agency (EEA)
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1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100