Natura 2000 related content is now shown on the Biodiversity Information System for Europe, BISE. Please go to BISE or use the Natura 2000 map viewer for the latest information.
Kingdom: Animalia > Phylum: Arthropoda > Class: Insecta > Order: Lepidoptera > Family: Geometridae > Genus: Erannis > Species: Erannis ankeraria

Erannis ankeraria (Staudinger, 1861)

Images from the web

Quick facts

Threat status Europe Not evaluated (IUCN)
Protected by EU Habitats Directive and 1 other international agreement
Natura 2000 sites 20 are designated for this species
Most preferred habitats
  • heathland and shrub
  • woodland and forest
Natura 2000 species code 4033


The distribution map is currently disabled. A new map solution will soon become available. In the meantime, please consult other species distribution map providers listed in the Other resources panel below.

Threat and conservation status

This species has not yet been assessed for the IUCN Red List

Natura 2000 sites

Protected in the following Natura 2000 sites

Sitecode Country Site name Action
HUDI30001 Hungary Vértes Map
IT5330009 Italy Monte Giuoco del Pallone - Monte Cafaggio Map
IT5330026 Italy Monte Giuoco del Pallone Map
IT5210027 Italy Monte Subasio (sommità) Map
HUBN20005 Hungary Kisgyőri Ásottfa-tető - Csókás-völgy Map
HUBN20051 Hungary Nyugat-Mátra Map
HUDD20030 Hungary Mecsek Map
HUBN20008 Hungary Vár-hegy - Nagy-Eged Map
HUBN20002 Hungary Hór-völgy, Déli-Bükk Map
HUBF20018 Hungary Megye-hegy Map
HUDD20006 Hungary Szársomlyó Map
HUBN20050 Hungary Gyöngyöspatai Havas Map
HUDI20009 Hungary Budai-hegység Map
BG0000366 Bulgaria Kresna - Ilindentsi Map
HUBF20034 Hungary Balatonfüredi-erdő Map
IT7222249 Italy Lago di Guardialfiera - M. Peloso Map
SI3000276 Slovenia Kras Map
HUAN20001 Hungary Aggteleki-karszt és peremterületei Map
HUDI20015 Hungary Déli-Gerecse Map
BG0001023 Bulgaria Rupite - Strumeshnitsa Map

Protected sites

Please note the site map takes a while to display.

Common names and synonyms

The species has no common names
No synonyms available.

Other resources

Fauna Europaea Fauna Europaea
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
Habitats Directive Art. 17-2006 summary
ITIS search Interagency Taxonomic Information System
NCBI search National Center for Biotechnology Information
PESI (Accepted) Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure

External data

No external data sets available for this species
European Environment Agency (EEA)
Kongens Nytorv 6
1050 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 3336 7100